Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Family is the best medicine..

After work today, we drove 2 hrs to my moms house. Except for the craziness in this house, I love coming to visit. I miss living here. I miss our late night conversations over some delicious cafe con leche. ::sigh:: Theres nothing more fulfilling than family. I am truly blessed..

I hope everyone enjoys their thanksgiving. I know I will.

Gobble, Gobble..


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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oh how I love thee...

My little rockstars new cut..:)

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My blog needs a makeover..

Ok.. So, My blog needs a MAJOR makeover. I have no idea where to start.. I want to change the background and make a banner.. How the hell do I do that? Any suggestions?


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I had to. I saw these a while back on Mayk's blog and I fell in love. They are the perfect combination of a boot and a sandal. They make my feet happy. :) AND I got them on sale. I live in Miami so I can wear these babies year round. I should have the other pair tmrw. I will make sure to post a pic of those too.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Patiently waiting..

Ahhhh Yesss... These babies will be mine next week.. I've been wanting some black platform pumps for a while and since my broke ass can't afford the YSL tribute pumps, I will settle for these.. Besides, they were half off and I picked them up for $65.00. Feels good to get a great deal. I am praying to the shoe gods that A.) they fit atleast a little comfy, and B.) They get here before Thanksgiving. I want to wear them for Thanksgiving Dinner at my moms. :) Wooohooo... Can't wait..

On a different note. I've been obsessing over Balenciaga bags.. I want one SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad I can taste it. I spend 2 hours the other day on looking at pictures of them in all different colors and styles. I really like the City one and the First. I'll take any color. I actually LOVE the mustard yellow one. I found one on but there is no way in hell I can afford it. ::Sigh:: One day.. :) I am confident that I will have one. I need to get out there and look in vintage stores, etc. I doubt I'll find one but it's worth a shot. :)

Gotta get back to work. Hope everyone is having a FABULOUS day.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I know I can.. Be what I want to be.

Another day goes by and I have not taken a step towards my future. I know what I want to do.. I have it all planned out but somehow, I can't get it to work out. For as long as I can remember, I've had a passion for fashion, beauty, makeup, etc. Well, After thinking long and hard about what I see myself doing for the rest of my life. (Well, for some of it, anyway.) and I come to one Conclusion. Becoming a Hairstylist. With that being said, don't think I want to work at Super Cut's or Some little whole in the wall salon. (No offense to anyone who works at either or.)I have my sights set on bigger things. I want to go to the Aveda Institute. Work my way up to a high end salon, build my clientele. Make $$$. I don't ever EVER want to have to depend on anyone to pay my stuff. I want to know that I can hold things down on my own for me and my little man. This is my dream.. ::Finish hair school, get some experience and build up a portfolio and a name for myself, get involved some how in the Fashion industry, move to NY, work for a high end salon, get a little small apartment in the city for me and little man, work, make my money and only grow from there.. I DREAM of moving to NY. It's been my dream since middle school. It's SOOO me.. I love it.. Wait. That's now where my great PLAN ends.. After graduating from Hair school. I'd like to continue my College education and go to school to become an RN. Yes.. I know. Two TOTALLY opposite ends of the spectrum.. But HEY, you can never have TOO much knowledge.. Right? ;)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Flashing, lights, lights....

Soooo... I'm going to Vegas. :) I'm sooooooo excited. It'll be my first time going and I am ecstatic. The company I work for will have a booth at the CES expo. Basically an expo to showcase cool electronics. Well, we seek an E-reader and the theme of the booth is going to be a person reading our reader on a plane. Well, they were going to hire a model to be greet people at the booth and give info. My manager suggested they take me instead. I'm pretty, know the product, and would be great interacting with people. So she brought it to their attention and they loved it. :) it's. Great opportunity for me. I'll get to meet the top dogs in the company along with all the people we deal with on a daily basis that are in the UK. Anywho, I'm excited. :)

Till next time. <3


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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"I want yo mouth, give me that becky"

I swear this song is so awesome. LMAO. Something about his is sexy.. Not sure what it is.. Hmmm..

Today wasn't that great. Tmrw will be better..

(This was written yesturday but couldn't post till today)

Today was kind of blah... Work was extremely slow which gave me a lot of extra time to think WAY too much about things that I really have no control over. For some reason, the past keeps finding it's way back to me. I wont lie, it's nice to sit and reminesce on old times. The way things were and could have been. Then I catch myself and think, wait.. The past is the past for a reason. Right? There is a reason this past is not in my present. Is it because it was never meant to be and it just happened? (we were never meant to be, baby we just happened. -Kanye West) Or due to a lack of effort and maturity?? Either way, it's the past. A chapter in my life I wish had never ended but did and now must move on. While I'm talking about past and present, I was really daydreaming about being in a time machine today. I wish I could go back 3 years. Knowing what I kbow now!! Sssshhhiiiiiiittttttt!!!! Lol I'd be on top of my game for sure.

Have you ever made a sacrifice for someone whom you thout would do the same only to find out you were wrong? Well, that's how I've felt for almost 2 Years now. Let me give a little insight, when B and I met, we lived on different cities. About 2 hours away from eachother. I was trying to love, baby daddy wasn't having it so we had to take it to court. Long story short, I was denied relocating. I hired a different attorney and disputed the case. Meanwhile, I was laid off at my job leaving me jobless and living at my moms. While unemployed, I found a new love for makeup. I've always been fascinated by the art of makeup but at this point in time, this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to become a makeup artist. I was determined. I had a friend who worked at the local MAC counter so I went and applied there. The manager said she didn't have N opening but would keep my application. Then my friend told me about a new counter opening. This what it, I was going to get this job. I called, I kid you not, about 4 times a week telling them to interview me. I told them they needed to interview me, and that I was the person for the spot. Lol a bit cocky. :) I got an interview and nailed it. I nailed every interview after that. I jumped thru hoops, and loops and rings of fire for this job. Well, they offered it to me. I happily accepted. I hadn't started at the counter and baby daddy calls me to tell me he is moving and he was ready to sign the papers agreeing to me moving too. You can not imagine how I felt. Either I took the job and didn't move with B or I moved with B and gave up on this job I wanted so bad. Well, by now it's obvious which route I took. I kick myself in the ass everyday for that stupid decision. I gave up my dream to be with a man who painted me a beauitiful picture and when I got there, the picture was tainted. I gave up my passion to be with someone who I thought would make me happy and all he did was push me away. Ugh. The decisions we make in life are so important. I wish I had gone with my gut feeling. I had second thoughts but was blinded by the thoughts of what my life would be like if I moved with him. Ugh. Sorry. Had to vent. Been bottled inside for a whole.


Monday, November 2, 2009